Cloud-based CRM software vs. on-site CRM software

October 28, 2021

Cloud-based CRM software vs. on-site CRM software

Do you know what can waste a lot of your time, money and efforts? Choosing the wrong CRM software. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is essential for any type of business that wants to keep track of their customer's information and interactions.

When it comes to choosing the right CRM software for your business, you have two main options: cloud-based CRM software or on-site CRM software. In this post, we are going to compare these two options in terms of cost, security, accessibility, and scalability to help you make an informed decision.


When it comes to cost, cloud-based CRM software usually wins this round. Cloud-based CRM software is often cheaper because you don't have to pay for the hardware, maintenance, and upgrades that come with an on-site CRM.

On-site CRM software requires expensive hardware to store and process the data, and you have to pay for the license and any upgrades that come with it. Also, on-site CRM software requires IT staff to manage the hardware and software, which adds to the cost.

Cloud-based CRM software, on the other hand, is hosted on the cloud, which means that you don't need to buy expensive hardware, and you only pay for the features you need. Cloud-based CRM software providers also take care of maintenance and upgrades, so you don't have to worry about that either.


Security is a crucial aspect to consider when choosing CRM software. On-site CRM software has an advantage here because you have complete control over the security of your data. You can decide who has access to your data, and you can implement your own security protocols.

Cloud-based CRM software, on the other hand, relies on the provider to ensure the security of your data. However, many cloud-based CRM software providers have advanced security measures and are compliant with industry standards. Also, cloud-based CRM software providers back up your data regularly, which adds an extra layer of security.


Accessibility is another crucial aspect to consider when choosing CRM software. On-site CRM software can only be accessed from the physical location where it is installed, which means that you can't access it from other locations or devices.

Cloud-based CRM software, on the other hand, can be accessed from anywhere in the world as long as you have an internet connection. This is a significant advantage for businesses that have employees that work remotely or on-the-go.


Scalability is an essential factor to consider because your business needs may change over time. On-site CRM software is limited by the hardware it is installed on, which means that if you need to add more data, you may have to invest in more hardware.

Cloud-based CRM software, on the other hand, is much more flexible when it comes to scalability. You can easily increase or decrease the amount of data you store depending on your needs, and you don't have to worry about hardware limitations.


Both cloud-based CRM software and on-site CRM software have their pros and cons. Ultimately, the choice between the two depends on your specific business needs. If you want to save money and have flexible accessibility and scalability, cloud-based CRM software may be the better choice for you. If you need complete control over the security of your data, then on-site CRM software may be the better option.

Regardless of which option you choose, make sure that you do your research and choose a reputable CRM software provider.


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